Submitted by Sangfor Technologies on

CryptoLocker Resurgence 

Active from September 2013 to late May 2014, CryptoLocker would spread malware through infected email attachments and the Gameover ZeuS botnet. Once installed, the ransomware would encrypt files on the victim’s computer and demand a Bitcoin payment or prepaid cash voucher. 

SynoLocker Infects Synology NAS Devices 

Synology, a company specializing in Network Attached Storage (NAS) confirmed that some of their DiskStation devices were hacked by a " SynoLocker " malware - spreading through a vulnerability in older versions of their NAS software. The attackers demanded 0.6 Bitcoins to decrypt files. 


CryptoWall ransomware began infiltrating networks by gaining access through exploited browser plugins and downloading the payload or through being encrypted as a payload inside an image and sent via anonymous email campaigns. Once the infected image was downloaded, the payload ran the CryptoWall script, infecting the computer. According to the FBI , more than 992 CryptoWall-related complaints were received between April 2014 and June 2015 – during which victims reported more than US$ 18 million in losses.