We all know how cyber-threat is experience yet another renaissance as it learns to monetize and exploit COVID-19. According to a set of frightening statistics from Trend Micro in early 2020, there were 907k spam messages, 737 malware samples and 48k hits on malicious URL’s, all related to COVID-19. The top location for spam and malware detection is the United States – and as any USA resident knows, phones, email addresses and text messages have been monopolized by spammers and scammers – to the point answering the phone is no longer an option.

Some of the best performing attacks preyed on people’s fear to get the personal information or clicks they needed. COVID fact sheets, medical supply sales, personal COVID protection and COVID test kits were just a few of the eye-grabbing attachments and headlines used to lure in desperate and scared people, with only the internet as a life-line in the midst of massive, world-wide lockdowns and quarantine.

As organizations saw huge economic benefit from allowing employees to work remotely, they found themselves under pressure to facilitate further productivity for those taking advantage of this new working style, and many have deployed remote meeting software, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and virtual desktop infrastructure solutions without fully vetting the products. This may leave employees’ devices vulnerable to various malwares especially those designed to exploit SSL VPN.

Many IT companies have been approached by panicked customers who are worried that they have experienced, or are experiencing a cyber-attack, and need not only immediate help, but to deploy a solution designed to mitigate future damages. Sangfor Technologies has been in the business of cyber security, cloud computing and infrastructure optimization for 20 years. While many of these solutions were already available through the Sangfor Product line, the one thing Sangfor found customers needed was immediate, emergency response – or Incident Response (IR) services.

Is Incident Response needed, you may ask? Yes!  Not every attack can be prevented, even with the most cutting-edge security equipment. Not every company has the skillsets, experiences, knowledge and expertise to respond to a security incident or data breach or even a response policy or plan to follow in the event of an attack. Not every victim customer manage to find out how the attackers gained access into the network and compromise the machines, not to say identify malware families, uncover patient zero, determine kill chain or chain of infection and initial attack vector. Statistics show that Incident Response services, like those offered by Sangfor, minimize the impact of attacks, maintain business continuity, and strengthen security for the entire business.

In additions, for those customers who unaware of attack surfaces exposed to the Internet, or unsure on which methods will attackers attack the organization in the future, Sangfor provides a quick service that simulates an attacker to gather hosts and exposing services information during reconnaissance phase and to provide recommendation on potential threats and risks discovered.

Why Sangfor?

Sangfor Technologies recently completed their Sangfor Virtual Innovation Summit 2020, where industry experts from across the globe met in an interactive virtual environment to discuss critical updates, new products and how Sangfor is using these changes to Build the Pillars of Enterprise IT Innovation.

On October 20th, 2020 Sangfor experts, C-Level IT executives, decision makers and IT leaders in various industries joined to share information, learn and innovate. They focused on combating the rapidly shifting Cyber Security Landscape of 2021, discovering the importance of synergy between security products, and learning about critical updates required of infrastructure and cloud – among many other issues which have been pushed to the forefront by COVID-19 – including the importance and effectiveness of Sangfor Incident Response.

Want a more detailed explanation of how Sangfor Security Services works? Visit our Virtual Event platform where you can get more information about Sangfor IR & other Sangfor products by browsing through our virtual booths and view our presentation recordings. Click here to visit: https://virtualsummit.sangfor.com/.

Sangfor Technologies is an APAC-based, global leading vendor of IT infrastructure solutions specializing in Network Security and Cloud Computing. Visit us at www.sangfor.com to learn more about Sangfor’s Security solutions, and let Sangfor make your IT simpler, more secure and valuable.

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