Sangfor Technologies is proud to announce their inclusion as a “growth-stage microsegmentation vendor,” in Forrester’s 2021 New Tech: Microsegmentation report. In 2009, Forrester developed a new information security model, called the Zero Trust Model, which has gained widespread acceptance and adoption. Forrester has determined that microsegmentation is the first promising technology slated to meet these needs. Forrester’s 2021 New Tech: Microsegmentation report defines microsegmentation as, “an approach to network security where access to network resources is granted by defined policy, using established relationships between identities, and not simply placement within the network topology.”
The respondents to the 2021 Forrester survey found that 11% were moving toward a microsegmentation initiative, up from only 5% in 2019. Microsegmentation is expected to drive the continued zero trust initiatives, defend against a wider swath of ransomware and consolidate security controls, making them easier to use and network security easier to manage.
The 2021 New Tech: Microsegmentation report notes several of the functionality segments for microsegmentation machinery, including:
- Host-based microsegmentation provides the most granular network security, focusing the policy on any number of hosts, including individual hosts.
- Network-based microsegmentation relies on sensors within the network to monitor application data, and network-level devices (i.e. Load balancers, switches and firewalls) to enforce security policy.
- Cloud workload-based microsegmentation depends on cloud service providers and provides many professional services businesses might not be prepared to invest in or operate.
- Specialized firewall microsegmentation embeds firewall capabilities within the hypervisor for security inspection. Containerized firewalls sit adjacent to the cogs and enforce network isolation.
- Virtual zero trust network microsegmentation means identity-based prioritization for all those wishing to get network access. This type of network acts as a VPN, routing traffic through a controller or cloud service.
Sangfor Endpoint Secure
Sangfor Endpoint Secure is a different approach to protecting endpoints. Even with Sangfor Engine Zero anti-malware analysis engines’ extremely high detection success rate, it is still not 100% effective. Thus, we consider anti-malware to be a “best effort.” Effective security is being prepared for “when” something gets through, and not “if” it gets through. Endpoint Secure concentrates on response, ready to contain and mitigate that one breach, WHEN it happens. Response includes unique capabilities such as the world’s first ransomware honeypot integrated with anti-malware and one-click/automatic host micro-isolation which disconnects single or multiple endpoints from the network, containing the spread of malware.
Sangfor Access
Sangfor Access is a native cloud-based SASE solution, used to securely connect branch offices or remote users to critical business applications. Branch offices can use either existing routers or Sangfor SIER to leverage SD-WAN connectivity, routing all traffic to Sangfor Access. Remote users need only install a lightweight client on their laptop or device to enable all relevant traffic routes to Sangfor Access. Sangfor Access authenticates users, granting access to only authorized business applications, based on preconfigured policies. Sangfor Access provides the 24x7 protection branches and remote users need, blocking known and unknown threats including phishing, malware, and ransomware.
Sangfor is proud to work closely with global technology leaders to improve and develop our world-class products. For more information on Sangfor Endpoint Secure and Access micro-segmentation functions, visit us online, or email us directly, and see how Sangfor can make your IT simpler, more secure and valuable.