About Chase Asia

Chase Asia Public Company Limited (บริษัท เชฎฐ์ เอเชีย จำกัด มหาชน), or CHASE, was established in 1998 by multiple talented executives who worked together to ensure excellent financial services for the public. The company provides debt tracking and collection of other services for the main banks in Thailand.

As one of the biggest debt collection companies, Chase Asia knows how important it is to ensure data security and business continuity. The financial group operates on a set of good governance principles and knows that by working carefully, honestly, and efficiently, they can make a difference and provide quality services.

Chase Asia Public Company Limited

Image source: https://www.chase.co.th/en/home

Business Pain-Points

Chase Asia’s main business application is its telephone application for its call center which was being run on an old standalone server. This has resulted in server shutdown which caused disruptions to the business. Recovery from these interruptions took a full day. During this period, the staff had to record business data on paper - which was time-consuming, drastically reduced work efficiency, and affected the company’s usual workflow.

Additionally, Chase Asia had to comply with the external auditing regulations which required the company to do a backup and disaster recovery for its business system. This meant that the IT operator had to do a manual backup weekly - which was very inconvenient and tedious considering the limited IT staff on hand.

Sangfor’s Solution for CHASE

Sangfor proposed the use of its Hyper-Converged Infrastructure to help CHASE solve two of the major issues that the company had been facing. The Hyper-Converged Infrastructure ensured that the business system was much more stable. The company did not have to worry about nodes crashing and shutting down operations. In the event of node failure or any machine issue, the remaining machines will seamlessly be able to carry on with the work instead - ensuring optimal business continuity.

The Sangfor Hyper-Converged Infrastructure also features a convenient, built-in backup system which helped CHASE by providing automatic backups for data security without the need to install additional software from a 3rd party.

Finally, Sangfor’s solution also assisted the company in handling audits and preparations for entering the stock market in the future.

Sangfor’s Solution for CHASE

CHASE’s Experience with Sangfor

In comparison with other cybersecurity vendors, Sangfor is the first company to come to mind when a ransomware attack takes place.

Mr. Tong Thirayut Jinroeng, Head of the IT Department of CHASE

Mr. Tong Thirayut Jinroeng, the Head of the IT Department of CHASE, has stated that the use of Sangfor’s Hyper-Converged Infrastructure has made work both easier and more convenient.

He went on to compliment the transparency, simplicity, and effectiveness of the display interface of the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure that allowed him to see every process and easily use the platform.

Mr. Tong also revealed that in the past, the department had to spend a lot of time troubleshooting system failures, however, after using Sangfor’s Hyper-Converged Infrastructure - with its built-in backup features and distributed firewall - the department can now work more efficiently.

Mr. Tong assured that CHASE is confident that Sangfor’s Hyper-Converged Infrastructure will be able to efficiently prevent cyber-attacks.

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