Customer Overview

The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) was established on 27th October 1990. It is also known as the KPDNKK which stands for Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan.

The purpose of the Ministry establishment is to promote the growth of ethical domestic trade and protecting the consumer interest. MDTCC formulates policies, strategies and reviews matters related to the development of domestic trade and consumerism.


As a governmental institution with several branches all around Malaysia and as a part of the Ministry requirement to comply with local cyber law, MDTCC needed a solution of web filtering for prohibited content such as gambling or pornographic websites.

They also needed to control the bandwidth used by applications such as P2P & video streaming and reduce the consumption to improve the connection speed.


MDTCC deployed one unit of IAM between the core switch and firewall & router in double bridge mode. One bridge is to control the internet line and the other one is to control the line to the government cloud computing service, which link all ministries.

BY deploying Sangfor IAM, MDTCC is now able to restrict access to prohibited websites. With the bandwidth management control feature of IAM, MDTCC can also control non-work related applications and increase the bandwidth speed of the network.

In addition, Sangfor IAM offers easy reporting tools to MDTCC's IT manager who can now easily provide detailed reports of what is happening on the network.

SANGFOR IAM can improve internet connection speed and productivity by establishing a secure, stable and convenient network.

Ministry of Domestic Trade Co-operatives and Consumerism Malaysia 2


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